About Eric

Personal blog of news stories and original works by, yours truly, Eric Santucci. All stories and written works herein are my property and may not be reproduced or used on another site without my permission.

Author Bio:

Eric A. Santucci was born in Stony Brook, Long Island, New York on May 16, 1992. Throughout his childhood, he has expressed interest in writing by starting a sword & sorcery novel in his free time at the age of 8. He cites science fiction as his favorite genre of literature, although he has an interest in others as well.
Eric is a college student who has attained an (A.A.) Associate’s Degree in Journalism at Suffolk Community College in Long Island, New York. He has since transferred to Dowling College to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a Creative Writing Track. He has worked with the college campus news blog known as CampusReporter while attending Suffolk. In addition, he has also begun volunteer writing for the op-eds college section of USA Today’s online news source.
            Eric also divides his free time between two full-length sci-fi novels. One is a werewolf psychological thriller called Moonchaser. The novel is near completion and he has begun the editing/revising process for it as well. The other novel is a yet untitled story three alien youths that crash-land on Earth and try to immerse themselves among the human populace to avoid persecution by their own species, while unwittingly drawing a group of humans into their affairs.
            He has hopes of making it into the field of freelance journalism or magazine writing while working to get his novel(s) finished and published. Eric Santucci can be reached through his Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1840279129), as well as through his personal blog http://ericemporium.blogspot.com/.