Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Queen's Burden - Opening Scene

This is the opening scene of a fantasy screenplay that I wrote. I still have some editing and revising to do before I'm fully finished. This may not be reproduced without the author's permission.



Two swords clash together as sparks fly upon first impact. Zoom out as two armored figures sidestep each other and trade another series of blows at each other. The first fighter is slightly thinner than the other but the fighter’s overall physical appearance is otherwise obscured by chainmail armor and a helm. The other figure has more bulk and is taller by a scant couple inches. This figure wears heavier armor and no helm but is clearly a young man as evidenced by the short brown hair and burly build.


The two trade more blows. The thinner, helmed opponent throws its sword down onto the male figure in a flurry of blows. The male fighter remains steady and deflects each blow without losing his footing.


The larger male opponent is now on the offensive. He pushes forward, thrusting and swinging his sword forward repeatedly with less speed but more power and focused force than his thinner opponent. The opponent parries the blows repeatedly and the two end up grappling with their swords pressing against each other.


The male fighter grits his teeth with exertion while attempting to break the grapple. He smiles through his teeth at his opponent.


Must you always wear the helm while training, Amelia?


The other fighter shoves him back with a grunt. The fighter removes the helm and tosses it to the side. Underneath is a stern-faced, muscular, yet fairly attractive young woman in her early twenties, about equal age to the male opponent. Her blond hair is somewhat short save for the pony tail that her hair is tied back into. Her face is moderately dirty and sweaty from the recent training bouts. Her striking blue eyes glare back at the male opponent.


She makes a motion to her pony tail with the tip of her sword.



I don’t want you having something to grab onto during the fight, Jasun.